Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just Like Home

Since I wasn't able to find a decent place to rent by the time I checked out of the hotel, Missy Em and family graciously took me into their home and gave me temporary shelter whilst I continued my room hunting.

It has been exactly 2 weeks since I moved in with them. I am moving out tomorrow (Mon) into a place I'd found. Feeling a bit reluctant as it has been great living with the family.

The house is a comfortable and cosy place that is unassuming with simple furnishings. Here are some pictures of my first home away from home in Sydney:

A shot of the apartment building facade.

The living room. Here's also where we had our dinners. That's Auntie channel surfing.

A shot of the simple but functional kitchen. That's Missy Em on her laptop.

The hallway leading to the rooms and bathroom.

Missy Em's room that I shared. My bed's the one on the right.

But what made it really like a home away from home for me (apart from Missy Em of course) was definitely Auntie. I am truly grateful to her for taking such great care of me while I was staying with them. I had home cooked dinners every night that I was in and sometimes even lunches if I was around. Since she is Cantonese the food was very familiar to me as they were similar to what my mum would cook. There was even boiled soup on some days.
And I also got my dose of Canto dramas when she watches them during dinner. I would sit and watch with Auntie and we would comment about bits of the show just like how I would back home with my parents.

I am thankful for being able to stay here for the past 2 weeks 'coz I was dealing with a very bad soreness that developed over the roof of my mouth that made it extremely painful to swallow anything including water. But a combination of good food, plenty of rest and a good dose of Chinese remedies helped my body deal with both the soreness/ulcer as well as getting used to the water.

It's getting late now and I need to sleep. Will continue to write about the rest of my stay with the family in another post.

1 comment:

Emma said...

Of course you're welcome anytime! :)