Saturday, March 07, 2009

Author's Note

To those who have been following my blog:

I felt its necessary for me to put in this short note to explain a little about the lack of updates.

There are actually lots that I would like to blog about regarding my days here in Sydney. But an unfortunate combination of tiredness, a bit of laziness, and a good dose of lousy internet connection where I am staying at the moment has resulted in the aforementioned lack of postings.

We are expected to have proper broadband internet in the house in about 15 days so hopefully I'll have less of an excuse for not writing more often.

Currently I have to lug my laptop around with me into the city if I wanted fast and stable connections which takes time and energy away from exploring the city and getting on with my photography.

Anyways, I hope that this little note will help fill in some blanks. In the meantime I hope you enjoy the latest posting below: 'My Quest for Comfort Food'.


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