Friday, March 31, 2006

A Long Overdue Update

Well it's been a while since my last post and I think it is time I started updating in here again. The therapy is much needed.

Several rather events happened during January and I have been coping and adjusting to the new changes.

Shortly following my post on making money online, the program that I was in started presenting disturbing problems. Unfortunately the problems gradually got worst and eventually the program was taken offline. There were many who were badly affected by this unforeseen turn of events, some of whom were people I know personally. I suppose I can be counted as one of the few fortunate ones as my losses were minimal. But the end of this program did put certain plans that I had to a grinding halt. So that meant a lot of adjusting and replanning all over again. Not to mention the time delay as well. All in all it was still quite frustrating. I would like to say sorry to Em and Merv for getting you guys involved. Hope you guys didn't get burnt too badly.

The start of this year also saw an unexpected turn in my career path. It led me to start on a journey of self-discovery and re-alignment. I needed to find something to do that I can call my own. And so while searching I rediscovered an interest and fascination in jewelry making and design. It started with surfing the internet, then flipping through books, and finally taking professional classes in proper techniques. There is a great sense of satisfaction when I complete a piece because I know that I created it with my hands. It can be simple or it can be intricate. The important thing is that each piece is put together by hand.

During all this change I was also put in charge of designing and renovating the hubby's office space and my own work-bench area. After the experience of designing the meeting area, this project went along a lot smoother and quicker. But it was still quite a bit of stuff to get done. Deciding on the layout, picking the right colours, shopping for new fixtures, shifting things out, painting the walls (which I did. Thankfully it wasn't a big room.), shifting the furniture back in, hooking all the computers up (my area again), and making sure that everything is working as they should be. After his office, it was time to settle into my own work area. This is still a work in progress as I am just a little tired of painting walls for the moment. There are other things I would like to do to the area but just not now.

There are other little stuffs the occurred here and there but its difficult to described them now after it's over.

Anyway, we are both very excited and looking forward to a much anticipated and needed holiday (especially for the hubby) next week. We are going on a cruise again! This will be our 3rd cruise, and it will be my 5th. Yup, I have been onboard SuperStar Virgo 5 times. Amazing isn't it? But I am still excited to go. Oh well what can I say, I love to go on holidays. =)

The hubby will be super stressed out from now till the day we set sail as he tries to clear as much work as he can. I won't be as stressed out as he will be, but I do have 2 major projects that I desperately need to complete, hopefully before the cruise as well.

So there you have it, what's been going on and what's coming up all in as small a nutshell as I can manage.

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