Thursday, September 14, 2006


While contemplating on what I should write about, I am listening to my favourite CD. I have not listened to it in a very long time and it's really great to be listening to it once again.

Music has a strange way of affecting a person's mood and emotions. It also has a way of triggering memories.

As I listen to the tracks, I find myself thinking about my past and the people that have come and gone in my life. Some were once my friends but are now strangers, some were only strangers but have become my friends.

There were many things that has happened to me in the past 30 years. (Yes I am turning 30 this year. It's quite scary actually.) There were good stuff but there were also some rather bad stuff. Some I have forgotten, some I wished I could forget and others I wish I could remember them always.

But looking back at all those experiences, I realized that I am who I am today because of those experiences as well as the people who were involved in those experiences one way or another. We are all shaped by the things that we go through and the people that we meet in our lives.

As I recall the faces of those that I once knew I am saddened that our paths have parted. But I suppose that is something unavoidable. People change, situations change, locations change, basically things change, nothing remains constant all the time. But it was good to remember such friends from the past and the good times we have had together from time to time.

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