Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Movie Thots: King Kong

Ok I think I should get this out of the way. We managed to catch the movie last week and it was great. I loved the action, the filming and the animation. Nothing much I can say about the storyline since it's not new. But I think this must be the most violent version of King Kong yet. Not that I am complaining. I loved it. Especially the entire sequence between Kong and the T-rex looking dinosaurs. Particularly the ripping out of the tongue. But the 'indigenous' live on the island might have overshadowed the rest of the cast and the storyline a tad. I was looking forward to seeing the next creature instead of the actors. Perhaps this is the result of Peter Jackson not being able to indulge fully in his tendencies towards goryness when making Lord of the Rings. But whatever it is we both thoroughly enjoyed the movie.

The ending, although somewhat predictable, was still touching nonetheless. Well at least to me it was. I suppose I am just a sucker for such tragic encounters and romantic notions. The way Kong so willingly died for the girl and how his death was so unnecessary and how it was so callously treated just seemed so tragic. I don't know how else to describe it.

Anyway I definitely enjoyed King Kong much better than The Chronicles of Narnia. But It is still not the best movie. My all time favourites are the original Star Wars trilogy and the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

By the way, this is the first time I am blogging from our Mac PowerBook G4. I'm tying to find uses for it so that it doesn't end up sitting in a corner collecting dust most of the time. How we came to owning this is a story in itself.

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