Friday, January 13, 2006

A Pointless Rambling

I was surfing through various local blogs, as I sometimes do when I have the free time and don't know where else to go, and it dawned on me that there are a big a group of bloggers that are not all that anonymous after all. Well at least not within their rather extended group.

I found some common names on Ondine, Packrat and MrBrown's blog. But I wasn't expecting that they would all know each other personally. The recent wedding of blogger Cowboy showed that most of the bloggers in this group do know each other. But one of biggest surprise was when I read that Xiaxue belonged to that group as well. From what I've read on her blog before and also what I have read about her else where, the association was simply a surprise to me.

What's my point of this post?

Well to be honest I don't think I had a point. Just wanted to ramble on a bit about this observation of mine.

Perhaps that's just what this blog of mine is about. It doesn't really have a theme or a point. I do not blog about any one specific thing. It isn't always about my life. And it isn't really about others either. It's a collection of sorts. As my site description above says, it's a place for me to ramble on stuff. I don't need to have a point. That's what rambling mean anyway, to talk on and on without much of a point. =)

So if you will allow me (or not), I shall indulge myself in some pointless bimbo-ish chatter from time to time. Such as this post.

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