Wednesday, July 05, 2006

3 days to Japan!

Before I can really settle and really blog about my experiences in Korea I find myself busy preparing for another trip.

But I am not complaining as this coming trip, or rather the experience of this coming trip, is one that I have been dreaming about since I was a kid.

I will be flying solo to Japan this Friday. For the first time in my life I will be taking a flight all on my own with no friends or family with me. It is a little like a coming of age thing that got belated. And I can't wait!

But that's only part of the excitement. I will visiting a country that I have been fascinated with for the longest time also. The land of the rising sun: Nihon.

Although I will only be visiting Osaka and a few surrounding cities, I am beginning to feel that perhaps 12 days will not be enough.

I am counting down the days till I fly this Friday evening and set foot for the first time in Japan!

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