Sunday, July 09, 2006

Pictures from Japan trip day 2

Today was a rather tiring day. It was more because of the heat then anything else. The heat and humidity. The weather is not that different from Singapore. I think the only difference perhaps is the intensity of the sun.

So I think I'll put up more pix than words tonight. Tomorrow will be another long and eventful day.

The Fukuda Residence: Where I am staying in the first 5 days of my visit.

The main entrance that leads into a small courtyard.
The courtyard.
The entrance into the house.
The main hall. For more formal entertainment and gatherings.
The inner living area. Here's where the family watches TV and relaxes.
The corridor outside of my room.
My room.

The inside of the local express train. The seats are rather comfortable cushioned seats. Not the hard and somewhat uncomfortable plastic seats that we have on the SMRT trains. But I suppose that's because plastic seat would not be very comfortable in winter with temperatures below zero. The trains passes by in surprisingly close proximity to each other.

Takoyaki. One of the many popular local Osaka snacks that has become rather popular in Singapore also. But the taste here is much better and the tako (octopus) is a lot bigger than what we have in Singapore. 300yen for 6 pieces. That's about S$3.90. The name of this store means roughly 'Japan's number 1 and biggest'. It was the most popular store that I saw while walking around. They were the only one with a long queue and 9 staff maning the little store.

Home-made Okonomiyaki with slices of pork and squid.

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