Thursday, July 13, 2006

A Quicky (Japan trip day 6)

I have officially passed the half way mark of my adventure to Japan. It's been 6 days since I arrived and there are 6 more full days to go before I return to Singapore.

There are lots that I would like to blog about, such as my experience of shopping alone in Osaka central yesterday, the summer festival and fireworks last night, the sushi restaurant and the deer park (Nara Park / Nara koen) today, having sushi and tenzaru soba for dinner with the family and me cooking a simple Chinese dish for them tonight, and packing my all my stuff for the move into the hostel tomorrow morning.

But I'm really tired now and it's another long day for me tomorrow, beginning with the move. I'm visiting the Kaiyukan (Aquarium) tomorrow to see the only whale shark in captivity, along with lots of other marine life. It's probably going to remind of diving and how much I miss it.

Well anyway, I thought that I should at least post something up so that those at home do not worry. At the moment I am not sure how convenient it will be for me to connect to the internet from the hostel. So it might some day before I post again.

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