Monday, July 10, 2006

Farmer for 30 minutes (Japan trip day 3)

Yup that's right. I was a 'farmer' for about 30 minutes this morning. It was very interesting and actually quite fun. I was given a 'farmer's cotton shirt' to wear as protection from the sun and insects, a pair of boots as well as a farmer's hat. I looked quite hilarious in the hat and unfortunately there are no pictures of me in it since the whether was too hot to have it on for so long. We pulled several carrots, plucked some tomatoes (I ate a few straight from the branch and they were extremely fresh and sweet!), I plucked 2 brinjals (eggplant) and 2 zucchinis.

At first when Fukuda san told me we were going to harvest vegetables, I thought that it will be a few others and we would be clearing several rows. But it turned out that it wasn't a commercial farm and the veges are grown only for personal consumption. So today we basically just collected enough for ourselves. And there were only the three of us there: Fukuda san, his mum, and me.

I actually quite enjoyed the experience. It's definitely not something that I can easily do again in Singapore.

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