Sunday, July 02, 2006

Ahn Nyung Ha Se Yo!

That's 'Hello' in Korean.

I picked that up along with a few other phrases during my recent trip to South Korea last week. It was an interesting trip in a country that I was totally unfamiliar with. But thanks to our very bubbly, thoughtful and extremely fluent guide, Sonia, the whole trip was made alot more pleasant and memorable.

The scenery were nice but since we went during summer there was just too much green. We felt as if we were still in Singapore or somewhere in Malaysia sometime. The only times when we knew that we are in a different country were
1) when we tried to communicate with the locals without our guide,
2) when walking through a stretch of alpine forest with trees that don't grow in the tropics,
3) when sitting down for our meals (with the exception of breakfast).

On the whole it was a good trip. We managed to take some nice photos although they were not what we were hoping to get due to the wrong season and cloudy skies.

Will try to post up some pics along with more comments about the trip when I can.

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