Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas Presents

The result of the frantic last minute shopping done in the past week. Took a picture of the loot before I started wrapping last night. But the list is still not complete yet. I still have a few gifts to buy and I need to get them all by today!

I would be enjoying the opportunity to go shopping everyday more if it wasn't for the time constraint and stress of trying to get the best gift for each individual. Christmas shopping is only fun if I am able to take my time to carefully search and pick out the ideal gift for everyone, even if it means having to walk up and down Orchard Rd several times just to be sure. But it's not so fun when you have limited time and no idea what to buy or where to buy what you want.

And that is the problem I'm having this year: not knowing what to get for everyone, with the exception of The Hubby. That means thinking about gifts for 22 people! That is also why I still haven't completed shopping for gifts yet. It's just soo frustrating sometimes when I just can't seem to find a suitable gift or at least think of one.

Well I'm heading out much earlier today so that hopefully by late afternoon I can finish shopping for the last 5 gifts. And then treat myself to a good and relaxing manicure and pedicure.

My long nails are almost driving me nuts, but I was reluctant to chop them off seeing as how Christmas was fast approaching. At least it will give me an excuse to get a manicure done, and since I'm already there to do my hands, might as well get my feet done too.

Today will be an especially long day. It is more like a continuation of yesterday since I've not slept the entire night. Gosh! I hope I can keep awake for class later. Watashiwa ima totemo nemui desu!!

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