Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Party with Sensei

In August of this year we said farewell to one of the best teachers I've ever been taught by. He was our Japanese language sensei. He had completed his three year contract at the mission centre and has to go back to Japan.

It was a great experience learning from him. He was extremely patient. Really humorous in a slightly geeky, 'Mr Bean' sort of way. But his teaching methods and notes was the awesome bit. We were all saddened that he could not stay on with us to the other levels.

Well a few of us got together and gave him a farewell bbq dinner and also brought him out to party at Bar None one night. It was a fantastic night. We made him drink so much that he almost passed out on the lobby chair. But we all had a great time nonetheless, and sensei most especially.

Here's a pix of us at the club that night.

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