Saturday, December 31, 2005

Movie Thots: The Chronicles of Narnia

Just saw the movie 'The Chronicles of Narnia' with the hubby last night.

I must say that I was rather disappointed by the movie. The actors that portrayed the 4 kids and the white witch were terrible. The acting was extremely stiff and the expressions did not vary much. To me, the best acting came from the beavers and the lion. There was a real sense of weight and believability to the CG characters that are often missing in such animations. When the lion walked on the ground it didn't looked like it was floating.

Anyway, acting and effects aside, the story was ok I guess. As with most movies that are adapted from a series of books, there is only so much you can put into it within the limits of time. Well at least the main parts of the story were told.

All in all it wasn't as great as I had expected it to be. Maybe I was just expecting too much. But after being disappointed by 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire', I was perhaps hoping for a different experience with Narnia.

Oh well, at least the hubby was ok with it and didn't fall asleep even though the movie was almost 3 hours long.

Next movie on the list before it ends: King Kong
(I know, I know. It's already been showing for over a month and I haven't seen it yet?? Hey, we've been busy :P )

And we are looking out for 'Superman Returns' coming in June.

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