Friday, December 16, 2005

The Girls

The six of us have know each other since we were kids. Now out of six, 4 are married and 2 are mothers. How time really flies.

It is interesting how the topics of our conversations, when we managed to meet up, has evolved over time, according to what stage in life we were at. We used to talk about movies, exams, boys and other girlie stuff when we were teens. Then when we each started working, stresses at work, career paths and relationships came up. Now the topics mainly revolves around marriage, children and work stress (though not as much). The only topic that has remained constant in a way is our faith. It has been brought up in different ways at different times and for different reasons, but somehow it would be brought up at least once every time we met up.

Well I'm looking forward to meeting up with everyone again when C comes back for CNY. I know the one update that will be brought up will be LJ's.


My Daily Struggles said...

Nice family photo.

@ said...

Thanks! =)

Anonymous said...

nicely taken ... best one of the whole lot! =D